Club rules

1. The Club shall be known as CHIPPENHAM & DISTRICT WHEELERS. The Club colours shall be ORANGE, BLACK and WHITE.

2. The objective of the Club shall be to encourage cycling in all its forms.

3. Membership of the Club is open to all. Candidates for membership must be introduced by a member of the Club and approved by the committee. A probation period of one month to follow. The minimum age limit to be eleven years, except when parents of the applicant are active riding members of the Club. Members under 14 years of age must be accompanied by a responsible adult when participating in a club event on an open road.

4. Club affiliations to be: British Cycling (B.C), Cycling Time Trials (C.T.T), We Are Cycling UK (C.T.C), Western Counties Road Records Association (W.C.R.R.A.), the Western Time Trials Association (W.T.T.A),  British Triathlon (B.T. by association with Chippenham Triathlon) and any other association agreed by the committee.

5. Annual Subscription shall be as follows, and will include membership to Chippenham Sports Club,

  • Senior (18 and over) – £40.00
  • Couple (18 and over) – £60.00
  • Junior (16 and over) – £5.00
  • Second claim member – £40.00 (not to be awarded club trophies).

On receipt of application and fee by a committee member, provisional membership is extended until confirmed by the committee. Members renewing membership after 1st September shall have membership until the end of the following calendar year.

The following catagories also exist.

  • Life membership – may be awarded by recommendation of two Senior members Free to be approved by a general meeting.
  • Honorary membership – to be awarded on recommendation of the committee.

6(a). Officials of the Club shall be:

  • President and Vice Presidents, and the Committee comprising;
  • Chairman
  • Treasurer
  • Racing Secretary
  • Website Manager
  • Assistant Secretary
  • Non-Competitive Cycling Co-ordinator
  • General Secretary
  • Social Secretary
  • Assistant Racing Secretary Communications Officer Non-Competitive Cycling Assistant Plus three other club members.

The committee shall be elected by vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) with the exception of the Social Secretary who shall be elected at the additional General Meeting, and the General Secretary who shall be elected at the additional General Meeting but shall not hold office until the AGM.

The AGM shall be called in the month of November each year. At least 21 days notice of the AGM to be given to members. Motions for the agenda to be with the Secretary fourteen days prior to the meeting to enable the agenda to reach members seven days prior to the AGM.

One additional General Meeting to be called each year for the purpose of determining the following season’s programme, and for the election of General Secretary and Social Secretary. Special General Meetings may be held at any time at the request of seven members. The Secretary to give one weeks notice of same. The General Secretary may call an extraordinary General Meeting giving one week’s notice.

6(b). If a duly elected club officer or official finds that they are not able to carry out their duties, they should inform the General Secretary. The Club Committee is then empowered to co-opt a club member to carry out those duties until the next Annual General Meeting.

6(c). A quorum at a General Meeting, where a change in the club rules may be made, is to consist of 20% of the membership or 30 persons whichever is the fewer.

7. Committee Meetings – Committee meetings shall be held monthly, except when a General Meeting is held in the month and at any time deemed necessary by three members of the committee. All discussion in committee is strictly private and confidential.

8. Sub Committee – The committee shall, by resolution, appoint any sub committee needed, and co-opt any member for special duties.

9. Club Fixtures – The season’s club fixtures etc. shall be arranged by the committee, and a notification of the events made available to members.

10. Membership Renewal – All membership is renewable in January. Any member not paying his or her subscription by 1st February or within one month of his or her election shall cease to be a member of the Club and will not be permitted to take part in any club activities, nor enter any competition in the name of the Club.

11. Resignation – Any member wishing to resign from the Club to join another should inform the Secretary in order that the BC and CTT rules may be observed.

12. Discipline – The committee shall have the power to expel or otherwise deal with, any member guilty of conduct detrimental to the interest of the Club. Anyone wishing to make a complaint against the committee or any member of the Club shall do so, in writing, to the Secretary.

13. Other Matters – The committee has the authority to decide all matters not provided for in these rules.

14. Accounts – The accounts shall be made up to 31st October, duly audited and submitted to the AGM

15. Trophies – Introduction of new trophies to be submitted to the committee for consideration before acceptance.

16. Proposed amendments to Club and Competition Rules Club and Competition Rules may only be changed at a General Meeting by a quorum of members as defined in Rule 6(c).

17. Protection of Minors – The Committee are authorised at any time to prepare and install appropriate policy regarding the suitable and safe protection of Junior and Youth members.