From 2019, Chippenham Wheelers has be affiliated with the Chippenham Sports and Social Club (CSSC) as a sports section. Our club membership fees cover the cost of CSSC membership.

Club members will have use of the CSSC facilities which include the following benefits:

  • Access to bar area and rooms with member discount for bar food and drinks.
  • Access to toilets and showers for use before and after club rides.
  • Food and drink available at weekends for post ride gatherings.
  • Free parking.
  • Use of the bowling club pavilion for club events such as audaxes etc.
  • Use of the main hall and skittles alley for larger events such as club dinners.
  • Discounted member hire of club facilities like function room.

For 2024, the membership year will be aligned to CSSC and 1st April with membership due annually thereafter. As we move our membership to this alignment, the prices payable will vary pro-rata as follows.

  • Joining or renewing in January and February 2024 will pay £10 and have membership valid until 1st April 2024.
  • Joining or renewing in March, April, May, June 2024 will pay £40 and have membership valid until 1st April 2025.
  • Joining or renewing in July, August, September 2024 will pay £30 and have membership valid until 1st April 2025.
  • Joining or renewing in October, November, December 2024 will pay £20 and have membership valid until 1st April 2025.
  • Joining or renewing in January and February 2025 will pay £10 and have membership valid until 1st April 2025.

The prices above are for Senior membership with other member categories proportionally identical.

Membership of the club is managed through RiderHQ. The links below will take you to a RiderHQ site where membership can be selected and details entered. Payment is taken through the Stripe payment processor. Queries over membership can be directed to


(18 & OVER)

  • Standard membership for those 18 or over.
  • Eligible for all club rides and events.
  • Receive club communications.

£60.00 COUPLE

  • Each member eligible for all club rides and events.
  • Receive club communications.
  • Best value for two senior members.


  • Used in conjunction with couple membership.
  • Under 18 at time of joining.
  • Eligible for all club rides events (age appropriate).
  • Receive club communications.

£15.00 UNDER 18

  • Under 18 at time of joining.
  • Eligible for all club rides events (age appropriate).
  • Access to web site and will receive club communications.


  • Some restrictions over entitlement to win club competitions.
  • Eligible for all club rides events.
  • Receive club communications.