The club have partnered with local sports kit supplier https://www.sportingbilly.com/ who have a shop in central Chippenham (Bath Road Industrial Estate). The store is open 09:00 to 17:00 weekdays and 09:00 to 12:00 on Saturdays.

You will be able to order club jerseys, shorts and other branded items direct from the Sporting Billy web portal via the link Chippenham Wheelers Club Kit with orders collectable for free in store. Alternatively, stock will be held and can be bought over the counter with jerseys tried on for size if needed.

This is a great service for members providing a single shop window for all club cycling clothing and branded leisure ware. We aim to have a range of cycling jerseys to suit all budgets.

Speak to our racing secretary if you require specialist skin suits in club colours.


Most of the club communication with members is online these days. This web site is the official source of news and events via the calendar. Other channels of communication are on social media (see below) or email.

The club secretary can be contacted via email at secretary@chippenhamwheelers.org. Other club contacts include:

Description Email address
Audax related enquiries audax@chippenhamwheelers.org
Saturday or Sunday leisure ride leisureride@chippenhamwheelers.org
Financial matters treasurer@chippenhamwheelers.org
Web site requests or issues webmaster@chippenhamwheelers.org


The committee positions are defined in the club handbook and are as follows:

Governance Co-ordinator
Youth Co-ordinator
Coaching Co-ordinator
Community Co-ordinator
Communication Co-ordinator
Website Co-ordinator
Social Events Co-ordinator
Competitive Events Co-ordinator
Non-Competitive Events Co-ordinator
Two Ordinary Members.

The club is publishing our committee meeting minutes starting September 2023. These can be found under Committee.


Chippenham & District Wheelers is a friendly, thriving cycling club that welcomes cyclists of all ages and abilities. We cater for riders of all ages and abilities, with a strong focus on developing young cyclists. In the summer of 2008, we were awarded Clubmark Status by the British Cycling Federation. This now a Sports England governed accreditation. The award is a high quality mark identifying those clubs with junior sections that have worked hard to ensure that their club is safe, well structured and well managed. The local Castle Combe circuit is used for various cycling activities including children learning bike handling skills under qualified instructors in the British Cycling Go-Ride scheme. The circuit is also used as a safe environment for training (all ages and abilities), racing and time trialling.

The club rules can be found here.

In addition, the club has the following policies that should be adhered to by all members.


Please see the following page for background and history of the Chippenham Wheelers.

We run five open time trial events annually, as well as a Good Friday day of races at Castle Combe Race Circuit. We also run summer weekly time trials for both senior and youth riders. As well as road racing and time trials, we have a regular and popular programme of non-competitive cycling, including an annual Audax series ranging from 50km to 200km, weekly leisure rides of 40-60 miles, as well as easier rides for families and less experienced cyclists. We organise the occasional mountain bike ride using local paths and bridleways though this is rather ad-hoc. Take a look at the calendar for the current programme of activities.

The legacy of the 2012 London Olympics brought the club a surge of membership and interest in grass roots cycling. By 2016 and the Rio Olympics, this growth had stabilised and the membership was constant at just over 400 members. Following 2016, membership has reduced in line with national trends. Growth and change is something the club will embrace with its usual enthusiasm, after all, it is only a bike ride.

The club is affiliated to:

British Cycling (BC)

Cycling Time Trials (CTT)

CyclingUK (formally CTC)

Western Time Trials Association (WTTA)