Author: Richard Buckley

  • Road Records Association – a little history

    Your club supports the work of the Road Records Association (RRA through the means of a modest annual subscription. It came up for renewal this month and we have forward paid for the next five years. With your committee discussing this via email, Rob Duncumb wrote the following summary of the organisation that was…

  • Go-Ride sessions

    The club will be running three Go Ride sessions this summer on the last Tuesday of the month. This will be dates: Pre-pandemic, these sessions were regularly run and popular with the children attending. It is hoped that there is sufficient interest to made these sessions worthwhile. The club has also recently received a grant…

  • Chippenham Sports Club Community Consultation 18th June

    The existing Sports Dome is coming to the end of its life. Come and see the proposal for a more permanent and sustainable Sports Hall that will benefit the local Chippenham Community. Residents and Club members will have the opportunity to understand in more detail about the initial proposals for the new Sports Hall. Feedback…

  • Chippenham Sports and Social Club Newsletter #2

    Please see the attached publication of the latest Sports Club newsletter from Darren recently received. 2024 March Chippenham Sports Club Newsletter Enjoy!

  • Club Newsletter – Late Winter 2024

    Newsletter schedule Feedback for our quarterly newsletters has been overwhelmingly positive. However, there is concern that quarterly, is not frequent enough to get club news out in a timely fashion. Newsletters are a time-honoured tradition for the club and whilst there is still a place for them, we want to get the right balance with…

  • Club Newsletter – Winter 2024

    Welcome to 2024 The days are slowly getting longer but the new year seem to have begun much as the old one ended – under water. Even so an impressive number of hardy souls are still venturing out on leisure and challenge rides. These conditions bring new hazards, and we may require a new trophy…

  • Chippenham Sports and Social Club Newsletter #1

    Please see the attached publication of the first Sports Club newsletter from Darren who attended our AGM. Apologies for posting this in late December as some of the articles relate to Christmas type things. Chippenham Sports Club Newsletter Happy New Year to all.  

  • Club Newsletter – Autumn 2023

    Forthcoming events Wednesday night winter ride starting 1st November at 18:00. Monday night spin classes starting 6th November. Monthly club night starting 8th November at 19:00. Club Skittles Night – Friday 17th November. Club AGM – Wednesday 22nd November at 19:30. Please feel free to suggest agenda topics. We are very keen to recruit enthusiastic…

  • Time Trial 2023 – end of season report

    With the 2023 Time Trial season now behind us, please find the following short report on final events of the year from our Racing Secretary Paul. Thanks to organisers, marshals, time keepers, cake bakers and riders for making this all work so well. The weekend of 30 September / 1 October was a busy one…

  • 2023 Club AGM

    Our 2023 club AGM is scheduled for the evening of 22nd November and will be held at the Bowls Pavilion at Chippenham Sports and Social Club. See for timings. We welcome you to get involved whether a long time member, or a new face, to understand more of the club governance and to have…