2023 Club AGM

Our 2023 club AGM is scheduled for the evening of 22nd November and will be held at the Bowls Pavilion at Chippenham Sports and Social Club. See https://www.chippenhamwheelers.org/events/club-agm-3 for timings. We welcome you to get involved whether a long time member, or a new face, to understand more of the club governance and to have your voice on the direction of the club. As required by our club constitution, the membership shall be given at least 21 days notice of the AGM taking place and this post fulfils this obligation. Requests for any motions to be raised at the AGM shall be emailed to secretary@chippenhamwheelers.org at least 14 days prior to the meeting to allow agenda setting. A number of committee positions are currently vacant and the committee are keen to see members step forward to provide new ideas and a balanced representation of membership. If you would like to discuss any of these positions, please speak to a current committee member on a ride or reach out to the secretary inbox.