Castle Combe Circuit – Group Riding Sessions

The ever popular Tuesday evening sessions at Castle Combe Circuit resume from April 9th – September 17th 2024. We are arranging some specific Chippenham Wheeler group riding sessions on these evenings. As we have done in previous years and had enough riders, we have formed 2 or even 3 groups of differing abilities. This is a great introduction to group riding for less experienced riders and a good workout for those familiar with “through and off”. If you’d like to learn how to ride safely in a structured group then it is a brilliant opportunity where experienced club members will guide and support. everyone is welcome regardless of cycling experience or ability! The plan will be to meet and set-off at 6.30pm from the lay-by at the Avon Tyres bridge next to the starting grid. We will form groups of typically 8-10 riders, according to ability. Please note there is no specific organiser for these rides. Experienced club members are asked to take the lead in organising the groups, to set a steady and controlled pace according to the group’s ability, so the group can stay together for as long as possible. Meet back at the lay-by at 7.30pm for a quick debrief on the session before heading home or doing some warm-down laps. Note you’ll need to pre-register to ride on the circuit at and pay per session each evening. Important – please make sure you wear a Chippenham Wheelers club jersey or gilet – this is essential so other riders on the circuit recognise we are running an organised group session.