Spring Gravel Ride Program

Our Spring Gravel Ride Program kicks-off on 2nd May with the first of our regular weekly Thursday evening gravel rides around our local byways and bridleways.

Although we’re mainly a “road club” there does seem to be an appetite for more “gravel” rides these days, so we’ve put together a program of rides for May and June. This includes 3 Saturday rides and 9 Thursday evening rides.

The routes will follow a mix of by-ways, bridleways and roads including gravel and grass tracks. You might be surprised just how much off-road riding there is in our area! The Thursday evening rides include a pub stop near the end of the ride, which proved popular when we did these rides a few years ago. The Saturday rides will include a cafe stop and maybe also a pub stop near the end on the longer rides.

All the route and entry details are now in the calendar on the club website and all are welcome to join us.  If you want to join a ride please sign up using the link on the calendar event page.

So dust off that old MTB in your shed or give your new gravel bike a polish and come and join us for something completely different!