Alternative club hilly

A few club members did an alternative Sunday hilly ride joining the Club de Cingles du Mont Ventoux and climbing the Giant of Provence three times in one day. After a gentle 10 mile roll out, the first ascent from Malaucene started at 06:20. 2 hours of climbing some photos then a rapid 30 minute decent to Bedoin. Brevet cards stamped and water bottles filled, back up the classic Tour route for another few hours. More photos and faffing and a drop to Sault, David was sent in search of a Brevet stamper and we were off again. With tired legs the more gentle ascent from Sault was welcome. More water at Chalet Reynard and slow formation riding for the last 6km to the summit for the last time (that day). Finished on the summit for 15:30. Lots of photos, Brevet time and an amazing decent back to Malaucene and brewed recovery drink.

4623m (15,167ft), 100 miles, 8hr30 ride time.

The ride was organised by Steve Wallis as a recovery focus from his terrible accident in 2014. Steve did the ride with more in the tank. Amazing. 

Here is the Strava trace from Seb.

Strava profile
