Club 2 Up Time Trial Competitions – New Event for 2023

The club has always run a “lottery” 2-Up time trial event each year which has always been very popular.  The event requires pre-registration to allow riders to be randomly paired and then a handicap calculated.  After last year’s event there was a request for an additional 2-Up competition.  Your race secretary was listening and this year there will be another 2-Up time trial event – The Pick Your Own / Random On the Night.  You may either partner with another rider of your choice prior to the event and inform the race secretary or else be paired with another rider in the order of arrival on the night.  If race secretary has not been informed of your own pairing then it will be assumed that your are riding on the random turn up process.

The dates are:

3 May – Pick Your Own / Random On the Night (no prize)
7 June – Traditional Lottery Club 2-Up Team Trophy competition