COVID-19: Statement to All Club Members – Updated 05/04/20

Updated: 05/04/20

Latest Government advice highlights the need to stay at home as much as possible, to help reduce the spread of the Cornonavirus. You are currently permitted to exercise outdoors once a day for a walk, run or cycle, either alone, or with members of your household. When doing this, you must minimise the time you are out of your home, staying at least 2 metres (6 feet) away from anyone else that is not from your household.

Updated: 21/03/20

In line with Government and British Cycling guidance, the Committee have taken the unprecedented action of cancelling all club actives for the remainder of March and the whole of April. To be specific, this includes all weekend rides, indoor spin classes, planned social events, and all racing activity. We will continue to review the situation and communicate on a resumption of our programme of activities.

Should riders continue to meet in order to ride together, obviously we cannot stop this, however you should be aware that the ride is not sanctioned by the club, and as such, does not benefit from the £10 million 3rd party and public liability cover offered by BC and Cycling UK as part of our annual affiliation to those organisations. We would also like to discourage the wearing of club kit during any rides at this time.

For more information on the latest announcement visit the British Cycling website.

For guidance on social distancing measures visit the GOV.UK website.

As we get used to living with our newly restricted lives, it is important that we still get regular exercise and retain the physical and mental health benefits we often take for granted. Whilst there are currently no restrictions on riding your bike in this country, we are reminded that accidents do happen and we would not want to burden the already overstretched emergency services, or end up in a hospital full of ill people, so definitely something to think about.

For more information about exercising in and around the home visit the Sports England website.

So for now, it’s back to the turbo trainer. There are plenty of Apps available such as Zwift, Rouvy, Trainer Road, Sufferfest, and so on, which are all a great way to stay in touch with your mates and keep the pedals turning, albeit from a cold garage or shed!

For more information about virtual ride series visit the British Cycling website or keep an eye on the ‘Chippenham Wheelers Chat’ Facebook page for organised club Zwift rides. For details click here.

Wishing all our members good health, we look forward to seeing you all very soon.