Good Friday Races 2022 at Castle Combe – call for assistance from members

The Good Friday races at Castle Combe are making a welcome return to the calendar having last been run in 2019. The event is a Chippenham Wheelers promotion organised by Andy and Jacqui Cook. This year Good Friday lands on 15th April.

Update – we have over 500 riders now registered for events throughout the day.

The day itself consists of many races with the first youth race starting at 09:30 and the last senior race scheduled for 15:00. There is typically a large turn out of riders of all ages from across the South West and South Wales.

With this being a club event, we are looking for assistance from the membership on the day. You do not have to volunteer for the whole day. Your help is gratefully received at any time and for as few or as many hours as you may be able to offer. Clearly, there is a lot to setup and then take down so assistance at either end of the day would be great. Setup is from 08:00 onwards. With the last race being at 15:00, we should be all finished by 17:00.

Please provide offers of assistance to: Andy Cook – 07811156141 –

The following tasks need staffing so if you have a preference please mention it. If you are not sure what is involved in something like “gear checking”, there will be experienced club members on hand to show you what it is all about.

  • General setting up of the circuit, feather flags, banners, PA system
  • Help – signing on
  • Gear checking for youth riders
  • Help with judging

British Cycling appointed officials have been allocated as commissaries and chief judge.