Help required: Club Open 3-Up Team Time Trial Sunday 7th October

Next month’s Club Open 3-Up Team Time Trial is fast-approaching, so we’re putting out an early call to ALL CLUB MEMBERS for their help and assistance at this year’s event.

Teams of three riders set-off together to ride the 24-mile course with the aim of crossing the finish line together, the time is then taken as the third rider crosses the line. This is always an extremely popular event, with riders from all over the country entering the race. To make this event happen, we need a fairly large team of volunteers to help with a variety of tasks during the morning. These will include:

  • 3 x helpers to push off riders at the start
  • 10+ x helpers for marshalling duties at various points around the course
  • 2 x time-keepers
  • 1 x helper to add results to the board
  • 1 x helper for car parking duties
  • 1 x helper for traffic counting duties
  • 4 x helpers to serve refreshments
  • Plus any other offers of help will be much appreciated!

If you are able to give up just a few hours of your time to come out to help your Club run another successful event, please contact:

Andy Cook on 07811156141 or email

More details to follow shortly…