Miffy & Friends Charity Cycle Challenge – Thank you Wheelers!

Dear Members,
Day 1


I survived the 1st day and we are now in Folkestone.

Ride was ok, today hardest day and the frequent stoppages made it extremely long.  Should have taken 6 hrs.  Took 10. Ah well. We are onto the Europe flat country tomorrow. ๐Ÿ™‚

Was a lovely 27 deg. Poms & Dutch complaining about heat. I might have mentioned it was finally warm enough to take off my ugg boots!


Day 2

111 kms

3 countries in 1 day. UK, France, Belgium

Left hotel at 7.30am. Immediately hit last hill of the journey, 14% for 800m.  Definitely got the blood pumping.  Rode 14km arrived at Dover.  Ferry strike meant 3hr delay.

Finally hit the road at Dunkirk for 90k ride at 4 o'clock by which time it was 39 deg. That's right, hottest day on record for Belgium

Arrived hotel at 9.45pm local time.  Fell into the pool.

We are 1/2 way!


Day 3


Lovely start, swim in the pool, shower, emails…only to realise I've not reset my watch to EU time.  Arrive downstairs to find peleton ready to leave, eeekk!  Stuff some food into my jersey and hit the road.

Lovely easy riding, along canals then along came the thunder, lightning, hail and wind.  Learnt to 'wheel suck' and sat behind my domestique and lead-out man all day.  Came 1st in the sprint finish though ๐Ÿ™‚

Arrived hotel at 5pm.  Very novel to arrive at hotel with time for leisurely drink before dinner.

100 kms to go, Utrecht here we come!


Day 4



Last day of the ride was pretty uneventful apart from 1 incident where a Dutchy tried to run me into a canal. Never fear, my childhood back lane training on the dirt allowed me to stay upright and get back into the bitumen. 36 deg day though. 

Holland is beautiful and flat (phew!). We had a 30min changing time then off to the arrival party. Great band & Mum would have been proud of my 'twist' but, dear god, my quads were burning!

Oh yeah, also won 2 boat races. C'mon Aussie!!

Finally back to hotel at 11.30pm

Today we off to a brunch for the Grand Depart and Christian Prudhomme will be there. 

Back to uk late tonight then sloth day on the couch tomorrow. 


