Planning proposal for access to Chippenham Rugby Club

We have been made aware that Chippenham Rugby Club have a planning application under consultation which will change the access to their club grounds. The proposal can be viewed in full at the following link Picture below shows this access relative to the Frogwell foot/cycle bridge.

This application has come about as the funds have been made available to complete the A350 dual carriageway from Bumpers Farm roundabout south to Sandown Drive roundabout where it again becomes dual down to the Sainsbury’s roundabout. We might prefer that the funds are used to fix the poor state of the existing roads before more dual carriageway is built but that is a different discussion. The Rugby Club have a one-time opportunity to improve access to their grounds and have put in their application for slip-roads in and out from the new dual carriageway.

“How does this affect our cycling club?” you may ask. We would benefit from the closure of the existing vehicular access down Frogwell. Many of our rides heading out to / from Biddestone go over the foot/cycle bridge and past the Rugby Club entrance. Many of our members will have experienced this when many cars have been trying to get in or out – not fun or safe. This proposal would close this access point except for emergency access. Additionally, the Allington Farm Shop exit to the A420 will benefit from this change.

The club will be formally providing a letter of support for this proposal on behalf of our membership. If you would like to add personal support for this, feel free using the above link to add comments.