The return of the group leisure rides

On Sunday, 30th August, we had the long-awaited return to group leisure rides for Chippenham Wheelers.

We certainly picked a good day for it, with pleasant temperatures, sunshine and a tailwind home.

Over 20 riders joined in, with a mixture of the usual suspects and gratifyingly, a couple of new members.

Starting from Chippenham Sports Club, groups of six or fewer went off, at intervals with each group coordinated by an identified rider. We all met up at Wild Carrot Cafe, in Chavenage.  This is a really welcome addition to our refreshment options and enabled a really pleasant, socially distanced coffee stop, before heading for home.

Feedback from riders was very positive, so we will continue with the current format unless the guidance changes.

Please could you pass on my thanks to Jamie and everyone involved in organising yesterday’s ride to Chavenage. I have only been out riding by myself on local roads since March. I jumped at yesterday’s opportunity to ride with others and felt entirely safe throughout. It was so refreshing, in every sense of the word.

We will shortly post the programme for the coming weeks, so do come and join us but remember, you must register ahead of time, so we can contact trace if required. Registration details will be provided in the event details.