Time Trial Meeting – 10 May

There is going to be a time trial meeting at the Sports and Social Club on Tuesday 10 May at 1900 hrs. I appreciate that some people may not be able to attend or will arrive late as it is the same evening as Castle Combe but availability is limited and with Wednesdays and Thursday also clash.
I have now been managing club time trialing since 2012 and it still pretty much runs as it always has. This may suit every one or there may be new members (or indeed the existing hard core of riders) who have ideas.
An outline agenda for discussion will include:
1. Events
Open – organisers, number of events
Club – time table, variety
2. Prizes
Event prizes
3. Participation
Numbers have declined both open and club
How to attract more riders
4. Racing Secretary
Transition in the future
5. AOB
Anyone who has any other topics please forward them to Paul for inclusion