Your club needs – Flapjack helpers

Back before Christmas, we communicated to you about our ever-popular Flapjack Audaxan event organised by the club, open to both club members and non-club members alike.

This is now a call to ALL CLUB MEMBERS for offers of help; simply give up a few hours of your time by volunteering at one of the checkpoints on route, and go home feeling satisfied (and probably full of tea and cake) that you’ve helped your club run another successful event.

The Flapjack is being held on Sunday 9th February, starting and finishing at the Bowling Pavilion, just behind Chippenham Sports Club.  We are expecting well over 100 riders from all over our region who are all expecting a good day out on their bicycles!

The riders will stop at checkpoints in Brinkworth, Kemble and Sherston village halls, where food and drink will be available for anyone taking part. We need helpers at all the venues, including the start and finish, to help set-up, serve food and drinks, time-stamp the riders brevet cards and give them a cheery smile!

If you are available to help, please email Sheni Jiwa on or call 07795 550251 after 6pm.

Any help is always greatly appreciated, and enables us to keep the Flapjack’s 20+ years tradition going for yet another year.

More details about the event can be found here:

Thanks in advance.