Youth Distance Challenge Evening – 25 August 2015.

On Tuesday 25 August we are holding a Youth Distance Challenge Evening. This is an opportunity for our younger cyclists to ride the circuit at Castle Combe and achieve their Wheelers Distance Awards.

For more details on the awards see the YoungCW tab on the main menu of the Wheelers website. But as a reminder, on the night we will be riding for :-

Distance Awards:

Red – 1 lap of the circuit, (nearly 2 miles)

Blue – 2 laps

Green – 5 laps and

Bronze – 13 laps (25 miles)

This means the Challenge is suitable for many ages and abilities. For instance, you may have already been awarded your Red and Blue awards last year and now feel up to the challenge of 5 laps to gain your Green Award. Or, you just learnt to ride your bike and feel ready to ride a whole lap of the circuit!

Just to be clear, to gain the Red and Blue levels you need to ride 3 laps (1 plus 2 if you see what I mean).

Note: you may be aware we also have Silver (50 miles) and Gold (100 miles) Awards too. But we figured our youngsters may end up riding around at midnight or later if these distances are attempted which contravenes the circuit Health and Safety guidelines. So Bronze is probably the highest level we suggest you attempt on the night. 

It would be great if we could have some parent helpers on the night too. Please get in touch with Paul Metcalfe the Youth Coordinator if you can assist. Email

Those achieving the distances will be presented with a smart certificate and badge. And not only that but the badge is made of real metal!

We look forward to seeing you on the 25th from 6pm. Make sure you bring a drink bottle and snack to give you lots of energy!