Club Newsletter – March 2020

After a fairly uninspiring January, weather-wise, with many of us choosing to stay indoors and hit the turbo or rollers rather than venturing outside into the relentless wind and rain, we had hoped February would bring us the promise of some Spring-like conditions to lift the mood. Unfortunately our wishes were clearly ignored and instead we saw an entire month of storms, including Brendan, Ciara, Dennis and Jorge who all made very unwelcome appearances, causing chaos across the land and flooding pretty much everywhere you look. Will March deliver those much needed bright sunshiney days that we’ve all been desperate for? Let’s keep everything crossed! Anyway, here’s a round-up of what you’ve all been up to and what we’ve got coming up this month…

Social news

Club Skittles Night – Saturday 18th April

We are pleased to announce the date for our next Wheelers Skittles Night will be held on Saturday 18th April at the Chippenham Sports Club.

Prices: £8 for Adults / £5 for Children which includes:   

  • Team Skittles games for the evening
  • Fish & Chips supper (options for vegetarians)
  • Prizes for the winners!

If you’d like to join us for an evening of fun with your club mates Click here to book your place and choose your food

Last time Sheni kindly hosted the show, doing a fantastic job of making sure everyone got a game. Unfortunately Sheni is away that weekend so we are now looking for a NEW Skittles host. If you’re free and fancy giving it a go, email us at

Club Audax Series Update

Your latest report from Sheni Jiwa:

It’s been a challenging start to our Audax series this year after frosty conditions in January and then the blustery weather of February. Despite the conditions 26 hardy souls turned up and rode the 75km Audax out to the lovely Honeystreet Cafe on the 23rd February, arriving in record time thanks to the helpful tailwind. The sun even came out to shine briefly! After hot drinks and food we headed over to Alton Barnes White Horse, looking brilliant in the sunshine, but then turned left into Pewsey Vale and a long battle against the westerly headwind. Teamwork certainly helped to share the effort, eventually rewarded by the now traditional post-ride drink in the Sports Club bar. Well done everyone!

Over 40 of you have ridden in our club audax series so far this year, with 13 of you having completed both rides. You need any 4 rides to qualify for the prestigious club audax medal award, so with 4 more audaxes to come there’s plenty of time yet to come and have a crack at the series. After the weather of the past few weeks, the longer audaxes might actually seem easier than the shorter ones this year!

Club 100km Audax – Sunday 15th March – 9.00am start

Our next audax includes two stops at Brinkworth Village Hall where our helpers will feed you hot food and drinks TWICE! Everyone gets a serving of beans on toast and as much lovely home baked cake as you can eat, all for £3.50 (members). Non-members are also welcome (£4.50). We also have a a few changes to the route this year – details in the club calendar. Registration at the Sports Club will be open 30 minutes before the start so please arrive in good time and please bring the correct change.

We do need a few helpers at Brinkworth for this event. Rider helpers are welcome too, set-off riding 30 minutes early and join in the fun helping at Brinkworth, then continue the ride with everyone else. Rider helpers get free entry too!

Please get in touch with Sheni via if you can help.

Leisure & Challenge Rides – Off-road Challenge Rides – Saturday 25th April

New for this year we are trialing two off-road challenge rides that will soon appear in the club calendar for Saturday 25th April, so keep the date free if you fancy giving these a go. The rides will be 90% off-road using cycle paths, singletrack and the Ridgeway. The routes still need to be finalised but we are planning 2 route options, 30 miles and 60 miles. The routes should be rideable on a MTB bike, hybrid, cyclocross bike or gravel bike ! Which steed will you bring?!

Both routes will be taking the Chippenham to Avebury cycle path – where we will stop for coffee. The shorter route will turns for home via some gravel tracks around Windmill Hill. The longer route will then carry on over the Marlborough Downs and then pick up the cycle path to the Three Trees Farm Shop In Chiseldon for lunch. From there we’ll follow the Ridgeway up to Hackpen Hill and then cycle path back to Chippenham via lanes and the occasional surprise track.

Help required for Good Friday Easter Classic Racing at Castle Combe – Friday 10th April

We are looking for helpers to carry out various tasks at the circuit when Chippenham Wheelers delivers a full day of cycle racing for all categories of racing cyclists, from youth through to hand cyclist and Elite riders.

Assistance will be required with:

  • Gear Checking
  • Registration of riders/Signing on duties
  • Judging
  • Marshalling the youth races.

This is usually a great day of cycle racing and Chippenham Wheelers have a reputation for delivering a high quality event enjoyed by the many riders that travel from all over the country to compete.

If you can’t help all day then it is possible to work split shifts and maybe just cover either the morning or afternoon. For further information or offers of help please contact Andy at: or call 07811 156141

Many thanks in advance.

Indoor Track Cycling news

Our coached club sessions have now come to an end for another year, we hope you all enjoyed your time over at the Velodrome.

A huge thank you to everyone involved including Andy Cadwalladar and Andy Cook for organising and coaching the sessions, and to the lovely Sue Andrews for kindly providing cake!

Youth Section Induction Programme update

This week is your last chance to sign up for our induction course. Coached by Martin Priestley, it has attracted some new young members to our club with the prospect of continued sessions at Castle Combe for the Tuesday night season. Details here:

For more information contact Simon Bateman

Sports Club Charity Open Day – Sunday 19th April

Just a reminder that the Chippenham Sports Club are holding their annual Charity Open Day next month. Last year our Wheelers stand was extremely popular and attracted many visitors – both young and old – throughout the day. We did however find that lots of our competitors were small children and unfortunately couldn’t adjust the saddle low enough for them to turn the pedals meaning the older kids and grown-ups had a distinct advantage, so this time we will be using sets of rollers and an assortment of bikes this time to give everyone a fair go.

SUPPORT YOUR CLUB. This is a prime opportunity for us to show off the various activities the club has to offer and essentially promote our wonderful sport to a wider audience, putting a particular focus on attracting more youth members.

We will of course be looking for helpers to put in a shift, there will be a rota system running so you should only need to cover an hour or so then you can go off and enjoy the rest of the day! Event starts at 11.00am and finishes 4.00pm. For more details check out the Chippenham Sports Club Facebook page.

If you are available to help please email

All proceeds raised from the event are being donated to the Sports Clubs chosen charity, Dorothy House Hospice Care.


Spinning classes at Springfield Leisure Centre in Corsham are still taking place every Monday night. These sessions have proved extremely popular, so Martin sends out a doodle poll to register attendance in advance. Cost is £3 per class with all proceeds going to the club charity. Look out for the thumbs-up from Martin at the end of a tough session!

If you are interested in attending contact


Our next meeting is due to be held on Monday 6th April, if you have anything you would like adding to the Agenda please contact

That’s all folks…

If you have a cycling-based tale you’d like to share with other Club members, contact us at

And that’s your news for March. Whatever and wherever you ride, ride safe.